A Vital Church-- An Overview In person and on zoom. For a link to the service, email miscott39@gmail.com or on the website find the link there.

To be part of the Mason Congregational Church community means that you will be invited to share your God-given talents, strengths, and passions-- and to join forces with others who share similar talents, strengths, and passions.

When people choose to accept that invitation, we move into the future by taking action on those ideas that give people energy. What happens in this church is what you, and the others who share your energy, make happen. The vision is, literally, where our energy takes us.  Come worship with us, the light in you will find a spot to shine.

Jesus, in his authority as healer, calls us to hold ourselves accountable to our energy, passion and enthusiasm. If in life (not just church) we are not engaged in things that give us energy and an enlarged sense of liveliness and vitality, what's in the way? God has made us for life, and life in abundance. If we are continually drained of energy and enthusiasm, then something is blocking the fulfillment of God's purpose in us. Something needs to change.

Remember: the spirit of sharing our gifts, talents, and passions, is the spirit of life and vitality (in theological language, it is the Holy Spirit). If sharing your gift becomes yet another burden in life, drop it immediately, and take a breath. Re-connect with what gives you energy and enthusiasm, and act from that place in freedom and joy.

Let us bless the Lord by using the gifts we have been given. Thanks be to God.
A Vital Church-- The Fruits of Sharing our Talents, Strengths, and Passions

-- The development of this website
-- Prayer Shawl Ministry--we need knitters!

-- Community Coffee 1st Tuesday of each month at 10 am  Friends and neighbors stop in, for sharing and connection
-- Nashua Soup Kitchen --contribute at www.naks.org They need both food and donations of time and money!
--Greenville Food Pantry--bring an item to church each time you come, no matter how small or large, and put it in the box on your way to Fellowship Hall for Coffee Hour
-- Lending Library--come check it out! Literally